NA values in column is not NaN Pandas Python [duplicate]

2024/9/22 7:33:17

I got a CSV File. I got a column Product. One of the products in it, called 'NA'. I want to get all 'NA' products. But if you read the file in python, the NA products get to be NaN value.

CSV looks like this:

Contact Product
1 NA
2 ZE
3 HE

In python i get this

Contact Product
1 NaN
2 ZE
3 HE
4 NaN

How can i change this.


The read_csv method in pandas has the parameters na_values and keep_default_na, detailed in the documentation, which determine which text values are converted to NaN. At its most basic level, you could do:

import pandas as pddf = pd.read_csv(your_file, keep_default_na=False)

And your 'NA' strings would no longer be converted to NaN. However this might have unintended consequences for other areas of your data, which would require refinement through na_values.

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