What does this code %.8f% do in python? [duplicate]

2024/9/22 5:21:11

I am editing a code line to pass the rate in quotes:

OO000OO00O0O0O000 ['rate']=O0O0OO00O000O0OOO #line:143

Somebody suggested me this solution:

OO000OO00O0O0O000 ['rate']="%.8f"%O0O0OO00O000O0OOO #line:143

I want to know what does "%.8f"% do exactly in python because when I googled it, I can not find anything about it. Please advise.

My question has to do with float number so it is different from the one that is already asked I believe.


"%.8f" is a way to converts float to string according to a format. In this case the format will create 8 decimals in addition to the float. Try this:

"%.8f"%12345678 => "12345678.00000000"
"%.4f"%12345678 => "12345678.0000"
"%.2f"%12.34 = "12.34"

But I don't what the variable O0O0OO00O000O0OOO is. But that variable must be a float (or integer) to work with the format.


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