how can I improve the accuracy rate of the below trained model using CNN

2024/9/22 10:02:51

I have trained a model using python detect the colors of the gemstone and have built a CNN.Herewith Iam attaching the code of mine.(Referred

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as snimport cv2
from random import randintimport numpy as npCLASSES, gems = [], [] # names of classes, count of images for each classfor root, dirs, files in os.walk('C:/Users/User/Desktop/Research Project/images'):f = os.path.basename(root)    # get class name - Red,Blue etc    if len(files) > 0:gems.append(len(files))if f not in CLASSES:CLASSES.append(f) # add folder namegems_count = len(CLASSES) # 6 = number of classes
print('{} classes with {} images in total'.format(len(CLASSES), sum(gems)))img_w, img_h = 220, 220    # width and height of image
train_dir = 'C:/Users/User/Desktop/Project/images/train'def read_imgs_lbls(_dir):Images, Labels = [], []for root, dirs, files in os.walk(_dir):f = os.path.basename(root)  # get class name - Red, Blue, etc       for file in files:Labels.append(f)try:image = cv2.imread(root+'/'+file)              # read the image (OpenCV)image = cv2.resize(image,(int(img_w*1.5), int(img_h*1.5)))       # resize the image (images are different sizes)image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # converts an image from BGR color space to HSVImages.append(image)except Exception as e:print(e)Images = np.array(Images)return (Images, Labels)def get_class_index(Labels):for i, n in enumerate(Labels):for j, k in enumerate(CLASSES):    # foreach CLASSESif n == k:Labels[i] = jLabels = np.array(Labels)return LabelsTrain_Imgs, Train_Lbls = read_imgs_lbls(train_dir)
Train_Lbls = get_class_index(Train_Lbls)
print('Shape of train images: {}'.format(Train_Imgs.shape))
print('Shape of train labels: {}'.format(Train_Lbls.shape))dim = 5 #5x5 dimension flat plotf,ax = plt.subplots(dim,dim) 
for i in range(0,dim):for j in range(0,dim):rnd_number = randint(0,len(Train_Imgs))cl = Train_Lbls[rnd_number]ax[i,j].imshow(Train_Imgs[rnd_number])ax[i,j].set_title(CLASSES[cl]+': ' + str(cl))ax[i,j].axis('off')def edge_and_cut(img):try:edges = cv2.Canny(img, img_w, img_h)            if(np.count_nonzero(edges)>edges.size/10000):           pts = np.argwhere(edges>0)y1,x1 = pts.min(axis=0)y2,x2 = pts.max(axis=0)new_img = img[y1:y2, x1:x2]           # crop the regionnew_img = cv2.resize(new_img,(img_w, img_h))  # Convert backelse:new_img = cv2.resize(img,(img_w, img_h))except Exception as e:print(e)new_img = cv2.resize(img,(img_w, img_h))return new_imgdef show_cropped(img):emb_img = img.copy()edges = cv2.Canny(img, img_w, img_h)if(np.count_nonzero(edges)>edges.size/10000):pts = np.argwhere(edges>0)y1,x1 = pts.min(axis=0)y2,x2 = pts.max(axis=0)new_img = img[y1:y2, x1:x2]  edge_size = 1 #replace it with bigger size for larger images            emb_img[y1-edge_size:y1+edge_size, x1:x2] = [255, 0, 0]emb_img[y2-edge_size:y2+edge_size, x1:x2] = [255, 0, 0]emb_img[y1:y2, x1-edge_size:x1+edge_size] = [255, 0, 0]emb_img[y1:y2, x2-edge_size:x2+edge_size] = [255, 0, 0]new_img = cv2.resize(new_img,(img_w, img_h))  # Convert to primary size  else:new_img = cv2.resize(img,(img_w, img_h))fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=4, figsize=(10, 10))ax[0].imshow(img, cmap='gray')ax[0].set_title('Original Image', fontsize=14)ax[1].imshow(edges, cmap='gray')ax[1].set_title('Canny Edges', fontsize=14)ax[2].imshow(emb_img, cmap='gray')ax[2].set_title('Bounding Box', fontsize=14)       ax[3].imshow(new_img, cmap='gray')ax[3].set_title('Cropped', fontsize=14)  for x in range(0,3):show_cropped(Train_Imgs[randint(0,len(Train_Imgs))])def crop_images(Imgs):CroppedImages = np.ndarray(shape=(len(Imgs), img_w, img_h, 3), = 0for im in Imgs: x = edge_and_cut(im)CroppedImages[ind] = xind += 1return CroppedImagesTrain_Imgs = crop_images(Train_Imgs)
print('Final shape of images in train set: {} '.format(Train_Imgs.shape))from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(Train_Imgs, Train_Lbls, shuffle = True, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 42)
print('Shape of X_train: {}, y_train: {} '.format(X_train.shape, y_train.shape))
print('Shape of X_val: {}, y_val: {} '.format(X_val.shape, y_val.shape))import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import cifar10
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Activation, Flatten
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, AveragePooling2Dfilters = 32      # the dimensionality of the output space
kernel_size = 3   # length of the 2D convolution window
max_pool = 2 EPOCHS = 70                                  # while testing you can change it
batch_size = 32                              # number of training samples using in each mini batch during GD (gradient descent) 
iter_per_epoch = len(X_train) // batch_size  # each sample will be passed [iter_per_epoch] times during training
val_per_epoch = len(X_val) // batch_sizemodel = Sequential()# first layer
model.add(Conv2D(batch_size, (kernel_size, kernel_size), activation='relu', padding='same', input_shape=(img_w, img_h, 3))) # 32
model.add(MaxPooling2D((max_pool, max_pool))) #reduce the spatial size of incoming features# second layer
model.add(Conv2D(2*batch_size, (kernel_size, kernel_size), activation='relu', padding='same')) # 64
model.add(MaxPooling2D((max_pool, max_pool))) # third layer
model.add(Conv2D(4*batch_size, (kernel_size, kernel_size), activation='relu', padding='same')) # 128
model.add(MaxPooling2D((max_pool, max_pool))) # fourth layer
model.add(Conv2D(4*batch_size, (kernel_size, kernel_size), activation='relu', padding='same')) # 128
model.add(AveragePooling2D(pool_size= (2, 2), strides= (2, 2))) # fifth layer
model.add(Conv2D(4*batch_size, (kernel_size, kernel_size), activation='relu', padding='same')) # 128
model.add(MaxPooling2D((max_pool, max_pool))) model.add(Flatten())
model.add(Dense(16*batch_size, activation='relu'))                                             # 512
model.add(Dense(5, activation='softmax'))
model.summary()model.compile(optimizer='adam',loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy',metrics=['accuracy'])from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGeneratortrain_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(              # this is the augmentation configuration used for trainingrotation_range=25,zoom_range=0.1,width_shift_range=0.1,height_shift_range=0.1,shear_range=0.2,horizontal_flip=True)val_datagen = ImageDataGenerator()                # for val/testing only rescaling function n = randint(0,len(X_train))
samples = np.expand_dims(X_train[n], 0)
it = train_datagen.flow(samples, batch_size=batch_size)
cols = 7fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=cols, figsize=(15, 10))
ax[0].imshow(X_train[n], cmap='hsv')
ax[0].set_title('Original', fontsize=10)for i in range(1,cols):batch =    # generate batch of images image = batch[0].astype('uint32') # convert to unsigned int for viewingax[i].set_title('augmented {}'.format(i), fontsize=10)ax[i].imshow(image, cmap='hsv')train_gen = train_datagen.flow(X_train, y_train, batch_size=batch_size)
val_gen = val_datagen.flow(X_val, y_val, batch_size=batch_size)m = model.fit_generator(train_gen,steps_per_epoch= iter_per_epoch,epochs=EPOCHS, validation_data = val_gen,validation_steps = val_per_epoch,verbose = 1 # Verbosity mode. 0 = silent, 1 = progress bar, 2 = one line per epoch.)score = model.evaluate_generator(val_gen, steps= len(val_gen))for idx, metric in enumerate(model.metrics_names):print('{}:{}'.format(metric, score[idx]))from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
cm=confusion_matrix(y_val,y_pre_test)plt.figure(figsize = (5,5))
sn.heatmap(cm, annot=True)x=(y_pre_test-y_val!=0).tolist()
x=[i for i,l in enumerate(x) if l!=False]fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,5,sharey=False,figsize=(13,13))
fig.tight_layout()for i in range(5):ax[i].imshow(X_val[x[i]][:,:,1])ax[i].set_xlabel('{}, Pred: {}'.format(CLASSES[y_val[x[i]]],CLASSES[y_pre_test[x[i]]]))'model_colordetection.h5')test_dir = 'C:/Users/User/Desktop/Project/images/test/'Test_Imgs, Test_Lbls = read_imgs_lbls(test_dir)
Test_Lbls = get_class_index(Test_Lbls)Test_Imgs = crop_images(Test_Imgs)
print('shape of images in test set: {} '.format(Test_Imgs.shape))f,ax = plt.subplots(3,3) 
for i in range(0,3,1):for j in range(0,3,1):rnd_number = randint(0,len(Test_Imgs))pred_image = np.array([Test_Imgs[rnd_number]])pred_class = model.predict_classes(pred_image)[0]pred_prob = model.predict(pred_image).reshape(5)act = CLASSES[Test_Lbls[rnd_number]]ax[i,j].imshow(Test_Imgs[rnd_number])ax[i,j].imshow(pred_image[0])if(CLASSES[pred_class] != CLASSES[Test_Lbls[rnd_number]]):t = '{} [{}]'.format(CLASSES[pred_class], CLASSES[Test_Lbls[rnd_number]])ax[i,j].set_title(t, fontdict={'color': 'darkred'})else:t = '[OK] {}'.format(CLASSES[pred_class]) ax[i,j].set_title(t)ax[i,j].axis('off')

I have got the data set from I am using only 161 images for training process.(I have taken only the gemstones which meets my requirment).

Below are the loss and accuracy rate of the model.


Can anyone please let me know how can I increase the accuracy of the trained model?(other than increasing the number of datasets).I want to achieve an accuracy rate of at least 90%

Any help is appreciated.Thank you.


Summary of number of images in train and test folders. enter image description here


I recommend you consider the use of two Keras callbacks, ReduceLROnPlateau and EarlyStopping. Documentation for each is here and here. Both callbacks should be configured to monitor validation loss. My suggested code for each is shown below.

estop=tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping( monitor="val_loss",  patience=4,verbose=1, mode="auto",  baseline=None,restore_best_weights=True)
rlronp=tf.keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau( monitor="val_loss",factor=0.5,patience=1, verbose=1)
callbacks=[estop, rlronp]

in set epochs to a fairly large value like 50. Also in set the parameter callbacks=callbacks. If estop is activated it will halt training and your model is returned with the weights from the epoch with the lowest validation loss. Reducing the learning rate each time the validation loss increases generally results in achieving a lower validation loss during training. The metrics you are focused on are important but since you are doing multiclass classification you should also consider creating a confusion matrix and a classification score. Apparently you have 5 classes. You should look at the balance of training images. In other words for each class how many image samples are there? Your raining set may be highly imbalanced. For example if one class has say 80 images samples while another has say only 10 then your model will ten to be biased toward the class with the most samples. There are a couple of ways to deal with this. I find the most effective way is to create augmented images for each class that is under represented and add these augment images to the train set. A less effective way is to use the class_weight parameter in by creating a class weight dictionary.

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