How can I send a file from Flask to ReactJS?
I have already code that in the frontend, the user upload a file and then that file goes to the Flask server, then in the flask server the file is modify, but I'm stuck there...
The next step is that I want to send that "modify file" that is in the flask server and receive it in the frontend ReactJS so that the user can download the "modify file"
For example, this is the modify file flask function.
#modify the file
@app.route("/convertor", methods=['POST'])
def convertor():files = request.files#file = files.get('file').read()file_name = files.get('file')print(file_name.filename)# Convert img to pdfimg1 = = img1.convert('RGB')'Backend/{file_name.filename}.pdf'))
I know it needs to return something, how can I return the file and receive it in ReactJS and then download it?
Any idea?