Two variables in Django URL

2024/9/22 6:44:41

I want a URL something like this:


On the link this is what I have:

{% url blog.category blog.slug %}

and for the

url(r'^(I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO PUT ON THIS PART TO GET THE CATEGORY)/(?P<slug>[0-9A-Za-z._%+-]+)',, name='post'),


EDIT: This is what I have now: Still have NoReverseMatch error at /

 url(r'^(?P<category>[0-9A-Za-z._%+-]+)/(?P<slug>[0-9A-Za-z._%+-]+)$',, name='post'),


<a href="{% url blog.category blog.slug %}">

def post(request, slug, category):try:blog = Blog.objects.get(slug=slug)except Blog.DoesNotExist:raise Http404('This post does not exist')return render(request, 'parts/post.html', {'blog': blog,})

Firstly, your URL tag needs the name of the pattern you are reversing as the first argument:

{% url 'post' blog.category blog.slug %}

or if you are using a namespace, something like:

{% url 'blog:post' blog.category blog.slug %}

You haven't shown your views or models, so we can only guess what your URL pattern should be. I'm not sure why you find the category confusing - you just need to choose a name for the group (e.g. category_slug), and the regex for the group (you might be able to use the same one as you use for slug). That would give you:


Note that there should be a dollar on the end of the regex.

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