Merge multiple JSON into single one (Python)

2024/10/5 21:20:04

I am searching for a way to merge multiple JSONs into a single one. My output is in this format:

[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 1"}, {"Causale": "1"}, {"Numero": "1"}]
[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 2"}, {"Causale": "2"}, {"Numero": "2"}]
[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 3"}, {"Causale": "3"}, {"Numero": "3"}]
[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 4"}, {"Causale": "4"}, {"Numero": "4"}]
[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 5"}, {"Causale": "5"}, {"Numero": "5"}]
[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 6"}, {"Causale": "6"}, {"Numero": "6"}]
[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 7"}, {"Causale": "7"}, {"Numero": "7"}]
[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 8"}, {"Causale": "8"}, {"Numero": "8"}]
[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 9"}, {"Causale": "9"}, {"Numero": "9"}]
[{"Nome bollettino": "Bollettino 10"}, {"Causale": "10"}, {"Numero": "10"}]

Every single line is a valid JSON. I a looking for a way to do it in Python, like this site do. Here you can find the code I am using to generate JSON data.

I have tried to use jsonmerge and json-merger but it's not so effective. The site above do the work perfect but I need to do it in Python.

Particularly, with jsonmerge using the syntax from the documentation, the output is only the first two values...

result = merge(bollettini, causale, numero)
print(result){'Nome bollettino': 'Bollettino 1', 'Causale': '1'}
{'Nome bollettino': 'Bollettino 2', 'Causale': '2'}
{'Nome bollettino': 'Bollettino 3', 'Causale': '3'}etc...

...which are not even JSON's.

How to merge them ?


Or like this with a 2D array output.

import jsonidx = 0
count = [idx]
data = []
while idx < 10:idx += 1bollettini = {'Nome bollettino': 'Bollettino ' + str(idx) }causale    = {'Causale': str(idx) }numero =     {'Numero': str(idx)  }data.append([bollettini]+[causale]+[numero])json_data = json.dumps(data)
print (json_data) #added parenthesis

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