sending multiple images using socket python get sent as one to client

2024/9/20 12:32:24

I am capturing screenshots from the server, then sending it to the client, but the images get all sent as one big file to the client that keeps expanding in size. This only happens when i send from one machine to another (I am working on a local netwrok) but when running both client and server from my machine they work fine. Note: for the client on the other machine, I packaged it into an exe using pyinstaller, since this machine does not have python.

server code:

host=""                # Set the server address to variable host
port=4446                   # Sets the variable port to 4446
import time
import pyautogui
from socket import *
import os
s=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)s.bind((host,port))                 print("Listening for connections.. ")q,addr=s.accept()i = 0                      
while True:screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot() + ".jpg")with open(str(i) + ".jpg", "rb") as f:data = data:q.send(data)data ="full")i += 1time.sleep(0.3)           

client code:

host=""            # Set the server address to variable hostport=4446               # Sets the variable port to 4446from multiprocessing.reduction import recv_handle
from socket import *             # Imports socket modules=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)      # Creates a socket
s.connect((host,port)) i = 0
while True:with open(str(i) + "s.jpg", "wb") as f:recv_data = s.recv(4096)            while recv_data:f.write(recv_data)recv_data = s.recv(4096)if(recv_data == b"full"):breaki += 1

There various wrong assumptions here which lead to the problem you see. The wrong assumptions are:

  • that send(data) will write all data
    It might send less. You need to check the return value or use sendall to be sure.
  • that a single send in the sender is matched by exactly a single recv in the recipient
    TCP is only an unstructured byte stream. send does not add message semantics, so a single send might lead to multiple recv, multiple send might lead to a single recv etc. Specifically send("data") followed by send("full") might be recv(4096) as "datafull", thus missing your code to detect end of image.

As for why does it work on the local machine but not on the remote - the chance in the latter case is higher that send get combined together and recv as one.

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