How to send eth_requestAccounts to Metamask in PyScript?

2024/9/21 8:24:54

I am trying to get address from installed MetaMask on the browser. We used to do this in JS as follow:

  const T1 = async () => {let Address = await window.ethereum.request({method: "eth_requestAccounts",});accountChangeHandler(Address.toString());//   console.log(Address.toString());};


let balance = await window.ethereum.request({method: "eth_getBalance",params: [address, "latest"],});

In PyScript, I know we could import js module and use window.ethereum but I am not sure how to send requests with methods. I am aware of pyfetch.

I am failing to see how I could import address or send transactions same as we use to do in JS.

I wrote this PyScript code:

from js import document, alert, window, console
from pyodide import create_proxy
from pyodide.http import pyfetch
import asynciodocument.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "Click the button to check Metamask"async def Check_if_Metamask(param):if not window.ethereum:alert("install metamask")else:document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "Metamask is already installed"document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = "Welcome!"# console.log(window.ethereum.request)a = await window.ethereum.request({method: "eth_requestAccounts",})Address = await pyfetch(a, method="Get")output = Addressconsole.log(output)console.log("This is a")console.log(a)def setup():# Create a JsProxy for the callback functionclick_proxy = create_proxy(Check_if_Metamask)# Set the listener to the callbacke = document.getElementById("submit-button2")e.addEventListener("click", click_proxy)setup()

and the associated HTML is as follow

<html><head><title>Button Event Proxy</title><!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../Illustration 2/pyscript.css" /> --><link rel="stylesheet" href="./buttoncss.css" /><script defer src="../Illustration 2/pyscript.js"></script></head><body><div id="status">Check Metamask!</div><br /><div id="msg"></div><br /><button class="button-17" id="submit-button2">check</button><py-script src="./"> </py-script></body>

When calling javascript functions on DOM from pyscript we have to create a proxy and set it as our callback.

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8" /><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /><title>Document</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="" /><script defer src=""></script></head><body><button id="connect" style="color:blue" >Connect</button> <py-script>from js import alert, window,console,document# since sending request to metamask async we need thisimport asynciofrom pyodide import create_proxyif not window.ethereum: alert("install metamask")if window.ethereum:button = document.querySelector("button")# you need to pass "event" arg even though you do not use it. Otherwise it will throw this error# TypeError: request_eth() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was givenasync def request_eth(event):   try:await window.ethereum.request(method="eth_requestAccounts")except Exception as e:console.log(e)function=create_proxy(request_eth)button.addEventListener("click", function,False)   </py-script></body>

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