Python - __init__() missing 1 required positional argument:

2024/9/21 3:36:58

I'm kinda new to python and I can't get past this error:

   Traceback (most recent call last):File "***", line 63, in <module>bst = Node()
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'val'

Basically, the program is a BST which would allow you to insert, search and look for the minimum item by only going left.

Here's the code (sorry, it's hungarian)

class Node:def __init__(self, val):self.ertek = valself.balgyerek = None self.jobbgyerek = Noneself.gyoker = Nonedef beszur(self, pri):if self.gyoker: return self.gyoker.beszur(pri)else: self.gyoker = Node(pri)return Trueif self.ertek == pri: return Falseelif self.ertek > pri: if self.balgyerek: return self.balgyerek.beszur(pri) else:self.balgyerek = Node(pri) return Trueelse: if self.jobbgyerek:return self.jobbgyerek.beszur(pri)else:self.jobbgyerek = Node(pri)return Truedef keres(self, pri):if self.gyoker: return self.gyoker.keres(pri) else: return False if(self.ertek == pri): return Trueelif self.ertek > pri: if self.balgyerek:return self.balgyerek.keres(pri) else:return False else:if self.jobbgyerek:return self.jobbgyerek.keres(pri)else:return Falsedef minimumertek(self): jelenlegi = selfwhile(jelenlegi.balgyerek is not None):jelenlegi = jelenlegi.balgyerekreturn self.ertek bst = Node()

The __init__ method is run as soon as an object of a class is instantiated. Your __init__ method has two positional arguments: self which refers to the object instance and is passed automatically, and val which is assigned to self.ertek. However, you didn't pass the value of val. Hence, the error. Try passing the value of val at the class instantiation. e.g bst = Node('ertek value')

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