Pandas python + format for values

2024/9/20 23:21:20

This is the code:

import pandas as     pd
from   pandas import Series, DataFrame
import numpy  as     np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltdf.head(3).style.format({'Budget': "€ {:,.0f}"})
Year    Project Entity  Participation   Country Budget
0   2015    671650 - MMMAGIC - 5G   FUNDACION IMDEA NETWORK*    Participant Spain   € 384,000
1   2015    671650 - MMMAGIC - 5G   ROHDE & SCHWARZ GMBH*   Participant Germany € 12,000
2   2015    671650 - MMMAGIC - 5G   SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS (UK) LIMITED    Coordinator UnitedKingdom   € 997,500datos1 = (df[(df['Participation'].str.contains('Coordinator')) & (df.Country.str.count('Spain'))])
datos2 = 'Las participaciones en proyectos como coordinador son='
datos4= 'El presupuesto en Euros es ='
print(datos2, datos1.Country.str.count('Spain').sum())
print(datos4, datos1.Budget.sum())Year    Project                           Entity                  Participation Country Budget
2015    671598 - 5G-CROSSHAUL   UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID*   Coordinator Spain   899471.88
2015    671517 - SONATA - 5G    ATOS SPAIN SA*                      Coordinator Spain   602437.50
2015    671704 - CHARISMA - 5G  FUNDACIO PRIVADA I2CAT *FI2CAT      Coordinator Spain   557312.50

I want to have the same result with the budget in euros, i tried with this code:

display(datos4, datos1.Budget.sum().style.format('€ {0:,.0f}'))


display(datos4, datos1.Budget.sum().style.format('€ {0:,.0f}'))

This line was solve with this code:

print(datos4, '€ {0:,.0f}'.format(datos1.Budget.sum()))

Now, i only have problems with the style format in the budget, i tried like to fix with this code:

datos1 = (df[(df['Participation'].str.contains('Coordinator')) & (df.Country.str.contains('Greece')) & (df.Budget.apply('€ {0:,.0f}'.format))])


df['Budget']=df.Budget.apply('€ {0:,.0f}'.format)
datos1 = (df[(df['Participation'].str.contains('Coordinator')) & (df.Country.str.contains('Greece'))]) 

i have errors with the code, please any idea?


I advise you not to mix logic with appearance. Create the table according to logic, and then format it. Try this code:

datos1= df.loc[ \df.Participation.  \str.contains('Coordinator',case=False) \& df.Country. \str.contains('Greece',case=False) ]datos1_pretty={"Budget":'€ {0:,.0f}'})

You can specify more columns in the dict.

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