Basic calculator program in python [closed]

2024/9/21 1:26:51

I just wrote a simple calculator script in python, generally python should recognize the (-)minus,(*)multiplication,(/)divide sign by default but while considering this script it's fails to identify the signs. please leave your comments to clear me...

#! /usr/bin/pythonprint("1: ADDITION")
print("2: SUBTRACTION")
print("4: DIVISION")CHOICE = raw_input("Enter the Numbers:")if CHOICE == "1":a = raw_input("Enter the value of a:")b = raw_input("Enter the value of b:")c = a + bprint celif CHOICE == "2":a = raw_input("Enter the value of a:")b = raw_input("Enter the value of b:")c = a - bprint celif CHOICE == "3":a = raw_input("Enter the value of a:")b = raw_input("Enter the value of b:")c = a * bprint celif CHOICE == "4":a = raw_input("Enter the value of a:")b = raw_input("Enter the value of b:")c = a / bprint celse: print "Invalid Number"print "\n"

You need to change your inputs, strings to integer or float. Since, there is division you are better change it to float.

a=int(raw_input("Enter the value of a:"))
a=float(raw_input("Enter the value of a:"))

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