Value of a key in a Python dictinary is not updating [duplicate]

2024/9/21 3:19:55

I have a weird problem, as I am trying to generate a list of dictionaries to pass them as a parameter to a function. Designing the input "by hand" looks like this:

params = [# Amazon{'q': "AMZN",'x': "NASDAQ",},{'q': "PIH",'x': "NASDAQ",},{'q': "AIR",'x': "NYSE",},{'q': "FCO",'x': "NYSEAMERICAN",},{'q': "7201",'x': "TYO",}

I have tried to generate a similar list of dictionaries from a txt file containing a list of tickers (one per line) with the following code:

info = {}
params = []
with open('Test_Tickers.txt') as f:for line in f:info['q'] = line.rstrip()info['x'] = "NYSE"params.append(info)print(info)

The frustrating part is that while the print(info) returns the correct dictionaries

{'q': 'ABB', 'x': 'NYSE'}
{'q': 'ABBV', 'x': 'NYSE'}
{'q': 'ABC', 'x': 'NYSE'}
{'q': 'ABEV', 'x': 'NYSE'}
{'q': 'IJS', 'x': 'NYSE'}

the params looks like this:

[{'q': 'IJS', 'x': 'NYSE'}, {'q': 'IJS', 'x': 'NYSE'}, {'q': 'IJS', 'x':         'NYSE'}, {'q': 'IJS', 'x': 'NYSE'}, {'q': 'IJS', 'x': 'NYSE'}, {'q': 'IJS', 'x': 'NYSE'}, {'q': 'IJS', 'x': 'NYSE'}, {'q': 'IJS', 'x': 'NYSE'}, ... ]

How can I corrent the code so that the dictionaries contain all the tickers and not only the last one?

params = []
with open('Test_Tickers.txt') as f:for line in f:info = {}info['q'] = line.rstrip()info['x'] = "NYSE"params.append(info)print(info)

I will work

you were updating only one dict object in list , to make multiple object you have to define info = {} inside the loop

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