Encrypt folder or zip file using python

2024/9/20 22:56:49

So I am trying to encrypt a directory using python and I'm not sure what the best way to do that is. I am easily able to turn the folder into a zip file, but from there I have tried looking up how to encrypt it with AES, but couldn't get that to work and I have also tried encrypting using 7zip to archive the folder, but also couldn't get that to work, so if anybody has another solution to encrypt a directory or could point me in the right direction on how to use one of the previous methods that would be helpful. (I'm on windows if that has any significance)


I still recommend 7-zip.

let's say you want to name the zip folder as myzip.zip

Import subprocesszp = subprocess.call(['7z', 'a', 'your password', '-y', 'myzip.zip'] + ['your file'])

An alternative way:

Import pyminzip
level=4 #level of compression
pyminizip.compress("your file", "myzip.zip", "your password", level)

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