1st i need to get two equation of two longest line length
- i put lenghths with eq in list like these [( length 1 , eq 1 ) ,.....]
- sort list with reverse
- get two equation of two longest line
when run the below code
from sympy import *
import mathclass shape():def __init__(self,T):self.T=Tself.Ax = self.T[0][0]self.Ay = self.T[0][1]self.Bx = self.T[1][0]self.By = self.T[1][1]self.Cx = self.T[2][0]self.Cy = self.T[2][1]#Triangle:self.C_dashx = 0.5 * (self.Ax + self.Bx)self.C_dashy = 0.5 * (self.Ay + self.By)self.B_dashx = 0.5 * (self.Ax + self.Cx)self.B_dashy = 0.5 * (self.Ay + self.Cy)self.A_dashx = 0.5 * (self.Bx + self.Cx)self.A_dashy = 0.5 * (self.By + self.Cy)if (self.Ax - self.A_dashx) == 0:self.m_AA =0else:self.m_AA = (self.Ay - self.A_dashy) / (self.Ax - self.A_dashx)if (self.Bx - self.B_dashx) == 0:self.m_BB =0else:self.m_BB = (self.By - self.B_dashy) / (self.Bx - self.B_dashx)if (self.Bx - self.B_dashx) == 0:self.m_CC =0else:self.m_CC = (self.Cy - self.C_dashy) / (self.Bx - self.B_dashx)def triangle_intersection(self):self.x , self.y = symbols('x y')self.eq1=Eq(self.m_AA*(self.x-self.Ax)+self.Ay-self.y,0)self.eq2=Eq(self.m_BB*(self.x-self.Bx)+self.By-self.y,0)self.solve_equation=solve([self.eq1,self.eq2],[self.x,self.y])self.Zx=(self.solve_equation[self.x]).factor()self.Zy=(self.solve_equation[self.y]).factor()print(self.Zx,self.Zy)def square_intersection(self):self.Dx = self.T[3][0]self.Dy = self.T[3][0]# Line Solpe:if (self.Bx - self.Ax) == 0:self.m_AB = 0else:self.m_AB = (self.By - self.Ay) / (self.Bx - self.Ax)if (self.Dx - self.Ax) == 0:self.m_AD = 0else:self.m_AD = (self.Dy - self.Ay) / (self.Dx - self.Ax)if (self.Cx - self.Bx) == 0:self.m_BC = 0else:self.m_BC = (self.Cy - self.By) / (self.Cx - self.Bx)if (self.Dx - self.Bx) == 0:self.m_BD = 0else:self.m_BD = (self.Dy - self.By) / (self.Dx - self.Bx)if (self.Dx - self.Cx) == 0:self.m_CD = 0else:self.m_CD = (self.Dy - self.Cy) / (self.Dx - self.Cx)if (self.Cx - self.Ax) == 0:self.m_AC = 0else:self.m_AC = (self.Cy - self.Ay) / (self.Cx - self.Ax)# Equation:#### WHAT IS PROBLEM HERE###########self.z, self.t = symbols('z t',positive=True)self.eq_AB = Eq(self.m_AB * (self.z - self.Ax) + self.Ay - self.t,0)self.eq_AC = Eq(self.m_AC * (self.z - self.Ax) + self.Ay - self.t,0)self.eq_AD = Eq(self.m_AD * (self.z - self.Ax) + self.Ay - self.t,0)self.eq_BC = Eq(self.m_BC * (self.z - self.Bx) + self.By - self.t,0)self.eq_BD = Eq(self.m_BD * (self.z - self.Bx) + self.By - self.t,0)self.eq_CD = Eq(self.m_CD * (self.z - self.Cx) + self.Cy - self.t,0)self.length_AB = math.sqrt((self.Bx - self.Ax)**2 + (self.By - self.Ay)**2)self.length_AC = math.sqrt((self.Cx - self.Ax)**2 + (self.Cy - self.Ay)**2)self.length_AD = math.sqrt((self.Dx - self.Ax)**2 + (self.Dy - self.Ay)**2)self.length_BC = math.sqrt((self.Cx - self.Bx)**2 + (self.Cy - self.By)**2)self.length_BD = math.sqrt((self.Dx - self.Bx)**2 + (self.Dy - self.By)**2)self.length_CD = math.sqrt((self.Dx - self.Cx)**2 + (self.Dy - self.Cy)**2)#### WHAT IS PROBLEM HERE###########self.lenghts = [(self.length_AB, self.eq_AB),(self.length_AC, self.eq_AC),(self.length_AD, self.eq_AD),(self.length_BC, self.eq_BC), (self.length_BD, self.eq_BD), (self.length_CD, self.eq_CD)]self.newlenghts = sorted(self.lenghts,reverse=True)self.max1=self.newlenghts[0][1]self.max2=self.newlenghts[1][1]self.solve_equation_sq = solve([self.max1, self.max2], [self.z, self.t]) print(self.solve_equation_sq)self.Rx = (self.solve_equation_sq[self.z]).factor()self.Ry = (self.solve_equation_sq[self.t]).factor()print(self.Rx, self.Ry)test=[(0,0),(4,0),(4,4),(0,4)]a1=shape(test)a1.triangle_intersection()a1.square_intersection()
i got the below error
2.66666666666667 1.33333333333333 {z: t} Traceback (most recent call last):File "C:/Users/xxxxx/.PyCharmCE2019.3/config/scratches/programme logic function.py", line 127, in
File "C:/Users/xxxxx/.PyCharmCE2019.3/config/scratches/programme logic function.py", line 119, in square_intersection
self.Ry = (self.solve_equation_sq[self.t]).factor()
KeyError: t