How to add new column(header) to a csv file from command line arguments

2024/9/20 13:26:18

The output of the following code:-

import datetime
import csv
with open(file_name,'rb') as f:               reader = csv.reader(f,delimiter=",")                                              #headers =[]for row in reader:row[0] = row[0].zfill(6) row[2] = row[2].zfill(6)row[3] = row[3].zfill(6)row[4] = row[4].zfill(6)row[1] = row[1][5:7] + "-" + row[1][8:10] + "-" + row[1][:4]p.append(row[:5])print p
with open('names.txt', 'wb') as ofile:writer = csv.writer(ofile)for row in p:writer.writerow(row)

is following:-


I want to add a new column to the csv file from command line. e.g. python Dept_ID Location will create columns for Dept_ID and Location next to Comp_ID.

Can any one guide me here please!


see this post which suggests something like the following:

header = ['User_ID','--Date','0Num_1','0Num_2','Com_ID']
writer = csv.DictWriter(outcsv, fieldnames = header)
writer.writerows({col: row} for row, col in zip(header, p))

to parse the extra columns from the system arguments use sys.argv

import sysextra_headers = sys.argv
n = len(sys.argv)writer = csv.DictWriter(outcsv, fieldnames = header)
writer.writeheader()col_fill = ''
# extend p with two columns of blank data
writer.writerows({col: row_item} for row in p for row_item,col in zip(row+[col_fill]*n,header))

here I iterate through each row, I then crate a dictionary to allocate data to each column in order. Notice [col_fill]*n this creates a list of identical items equal to col_fill that will be used to fill the additional columns parsed in via command line arguments.

In this example the command line arguments would be parsed as:

$ python Dept_ID Location

and would create:


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