How to webscrape all shoes on nike page using python

2024/9/20 12:35:28

I am trying to webscrape all the shoes on How do I scrape all the shoes including the shoes that load as you scroll down the page?

The exact information I want to obtain is inside the div elements with the class "product-card__body" as follows:

<div class="product-card__body " data-el-type="Card"><figure><a class="product-card__link-overlay" href="">Nike Air Force 1 '07</a><a class="product-card__img-link-overlay" href="" aria-describedby="Nike Air Force 1 '07" data-el-type="Hero"><div class="image-loader css-zrrhrw product-card__hero-image is--loaded"><picture><source srcset=",w_592,f_auto/t_product_v1/s12ff321cn2nykxhva9j/air-force-1-07-mens-shoe-TjqcX1.jpg" media="(min-width: 1024px)"><source srcset=",w_592,f_auto/t_product_v1/s12ff321cn2nykxhva9j/air-force-1-07-mens-shoe-TjqcX1.jpg" media="(max-width: 1023px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi)"><source srcset=",w_318,f_auto/t_product_v1/s12ff321cn2nykxhva9j/air-force-1-07-mens-shoe-TjqcX1.jpg" media="(max-width: 1023px)"><img src=",w_318,f_auto/t_product_v1/s12ff321cn2nykxhva9j/air-force-1-07-mens-shoe-TjqcX1.jpg" alt="Nike Air Force 1 '07 Men's Shoe"></picture></div></a><div class="product-card__info"><div class="product_msg_info"><div class="product-card__titles"><div class="product-card__title " id="Nike Air Force 1 '07">Nike Air Force 1 '07</div><div class="product-card__subtitle ">Men's Shoe</div></div></div><div class="product-card__count-wrapper show--all"><div class="product-card__count-item"><button type="button" aria-expanded="false" class="product-card__colorway-btn"><div aria-label="Available in 3 Colors" aria-describedby="Nike Air Force 1 '07" class="product-card__product-count "><span>3 Colors</span></div></button></div></div><div class="product-card__price-wrapper "><div class="product-card__price"><div><div class="product-price css-11s12ax is--current-price" data-test="product-price">$90</div></div></div></div></div></figure></div>

Here is the code I am using:

    html_data = requests.get("").textshoes = json.loads('window.INITIAL_REDUX_STATE=(\{.*?\});', html_data).group(1))

Right now it only retrieves the shoes that initially load on the page. How do I get the rest of the shoes as well and append that to the shoes variable?


By examining the API calls made by the website you can find a cryptic URL starting with This URL is also stored in the INITIAL_REDUX_STATE that you already used to get the first couple of products. So, I simply extend your approach:

import requests
import json
import re# your product page
uri = ''base_url = ''
session = requests.Session()def get_lazy_products(stub, products):
"""Get the lazily loaded products."""response = session.get(base_url + stub).json()next_products = response['pages']['next']products += response['objects']if next_products:get_lazy_products(next_products, products)return products# find INITIAL_REDUX_STATE
html_data = session.get(uri).text
redux = json.loads('window.INITIAL_REDUX_STATE=(\{.*?\});', html_data).group(1))# find the initial products and the api entry point for the recursive loading of additional products
wall = redux['Wall']
initial_products = re.sub('anchor=[0-9]+', 'anchor=0', wall['pageData']['next'])# find all the products
products = get_lazy_products(initial_products, [])# Optional: filter by id to get a list with unique products
cloudProductIds = set()
unique_products = []
for product in products:try:if not product['id'] in cloudProductIds:cloudProductIds.add(product['id'])unique_products.append(product)except KeyError:print(product)

The api also returns the total number of products, though this number seems to vary and depend on the count parameter in the api`s URL.

Do you need help parsing or aggregating the results?

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