How to turn a numpy array to a numpy object?

2024/7/8 6:38:37

I have a NumPy array as follows:

[[[  0   0]][[  0 479]][[639 479]][[639   0]]]

and I would like to convert it into something like so:

[(  0   0)(  0 479)(639 479)(639   0), dtype=dtype([('x', '<i2'), ('y', '<i2')])]

I have tried to use the following function:

def flat(contour):for point in contour:yield tuple(point[0])

like so:


but this gives me the following error: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. so how can I turn certain "dimensions" of a NumPy array into NumPy "objects" (or whatever else they are called in NumPy)

In [117]: arr = np.array([[[0,0]],[[0,479]],[[639,479]],[[639,0]]])                                  
In [118]: arr                                                                                        
array([[[  0,   0]],[[  0, 479]],[[639, 479]],[[639,   0]]])
In [119]: arr.shape                                                                                  
Out[119]: (4, 1, 2)

You apparently want a structured array,

There's a handy tool for converting a numeric array to a structured one:

In [120]: import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rf                                                        
In [121]: rf.unstructured_to_structured(arr,names=['x','y'])                                         
array([[(  0,   0)],[(  0, 479)],[(639, 479)],[(639,   0)]], dtype=[('x', '<i8'), ('y', '<i8')])
In [122]: _.shape                                                                                    
Out[122]: (4, 1)

or using your desired dtype:

In [126]: rf.unstructured_to_structured(arr,dtype=np.dtype([('x', '<i2'), ('y', '<i2')]))            
array([[(  0,   0)],[(  0, 479)],[(639, 479)],[(639,   0)]], dtype=[('x', '<i2'), ('y', '<i2')])

or create a 'blank' array with the desired dtype and shape, and assign fields:

In [127]: res = np.zeros((4,1), dtype=np.dtype([('x', '<i2'), ('y', '<i2')]))                        
In [128]: res                                                                                        
array([[(0, 0)],[(0, 0)],[(0, 0)],[(0, 0)]], dtype=[('x', '<i2'), ('y', '<i2')])
In [129]: res['x'] = arr[:,:,0]                                                                      
In [130]: res['y'] = arr[:,:,1]                                                                      
In [131]: res                                                                                        
array([[(  0,   0)],[(  0, 479)],[(639, 479)],[(639,   0)]], dtype=[('x', '<i2'), ('y', '<i2')])

Or from a list of tuples (list of lists of tuples in your case):

In [132]: arr.tolist()                                                                               
Out[132]: [[[0, 0]], [[0, 479]], [[639, 479]], [[639, 0]]]In [134]: [[tuple(i) for i in x] for x in arr.tolist()]                                              
Out[134]: [[(0, 0)], [(0, 479)], [(639, 479)], [(639, 0)]]In [135]: np.array([[tuple(i) for i in x] for x in arr.tolist()], dtype=[('x', '<i2'), ('y', '<i2')])...:                                                                                            
array([[(  0,   0)],[(  0, 479)],[(639, 479)],[(639,   0)]], dtype=[('x', '<i2'), ('y', '<i2')])

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