How to get spans text without inner attributes text with selenium?

2024/9/22 5:24:08
<span class="cname"><em class="multiple">2017</em> Ford 
<span class="cname">Toyota

I want to get only "FORD" and TOYOTA in span.


return "2017 FORD" and "TOYOTA". So how can i get particular text of span?


Pure XPath solution:


And if you alse want to filter white-space-only text-nodes():

//span[@class='cname']//text()[not(parent::em[@class='multiple']) and not(normalize-space()='')]

Both return text-nodes not an element. So Selenium will probably fail. Take a look here: on how to get a text-node(). Otherwise use this answer:


Another way to go is this XPath:


And then use this code python-example to get only direct text()-nodes.


all_text = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[@class='cname']").text
child_text = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[@class='cname']/em[@class='multiple']").textparent_text = all_text.replace(child_text, '')

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