how to save python session input and output [duplicate]

2024/7/7 6:55:39

All of the ways which discussed this question save the history of your commands in a file or you have to use an IDE ,I am using vim with python-mode (no mouse using) what I would like to do is to save my session as code I wrote and the python output ,So I dont have to use paper and pen to write my input and python output all what I have to do is to print out my session , I tried the code (.pystartup) and it only save my input and I tried to redirect the output to a file and it only save the python output , is there a way to have both in one file ready to be printed out .


I really cherish vim, it'S a fantastic piece of work. Nevertheless, your requirements are easier with other tools.

Probably the best choice, in my oppinion, would be to use the ipython notebook. It offers really rich features, including graphics with mpl and much more, and for me is the perfect tool for "reproducible experiments". The full state of a notebook can be saved to disk, reloaded, exported, printed etc.

You should really give it a try.

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