Ensuring same dimensions in Python

2024/10/5 22:22:14

The dimensions of P is (2,3,3). But the dimensions of M is (3,3). How can I ensure that both P and M have the same dimensions i.e. (2,3,3).

import numpy as np
P=np.array([[[128.22918457, 168.52413295, 209.72343319],[129.01598287, 179.03716051, 150.68633749],[131.00688309, 187.42601593, 193.68172751]],[[ 64.11459228,  84.26206648, 104.86171659],[ 64.50799144,  89.51858026,  75.34316875],[ 65.50344155,  93.71300796,  96.84086375]]])for x in range(0,2):M=P[x]+1print(M)

Just do

M = P + 1

and that ensures M and P have the same dimensions.


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