Tkinter unbinding key event issue

2024/7/7 7:47:38

In the code below, pressing the space bar twice results in two successive beeps. I want to avoid this and instead disable the key while the first beep is happening. I thought unbinding the space key might work, but it doesn't. It's strange that only two beeps seem to stack up rather than more. I'm guessing maybe the cause of the issue is that winsound.Beep is non-blocking so the rebinding occurs almost instantly.

Any suggestion on how to get this to work please?

import winsound
from tkinter import *def beep(e):frame.unbind("<space>")winsound.Beep(440, 1000)frame.bind("<space>", beep)root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root, width=100, height=100)
frame.bind("<space>", beep)

Here is a solution that takes the focus away from the widget, so the binding wont get triggered:

import winsound
from tkinter import *def beep(event):dummy.focus_set() #setting focus to dummywinsound.Beep(440, 1000) #playing it root.after(1000,frame.focus_set) #setting focus back after playing for 1000 msroot = Tk()dummy = Label() #making a dummy widget
frame = Frame(root, width=100, height=100)

I've commented it to understand better, but this is just a way around and its not that complicated to understand either.

Also keep in mind, in all cases of using winsound, as long as that beep has started and finished playing, the GUI will be unresponsive, that is, GUI will be unresponsive for 1 sec(in your case).

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