BeautifulSoup get text from tag searching by Title

2024/10/5 20:37:15

I'm scrapping a webpage with python that provides different documents and I want to retrieve some information from them. The document gives the information in two ways, there's this one where it gives it like this: Company name: Company name which is solved in this question, and another one that goes like Title: and then all the text on a separate block of text, here's an example of this second html starting at div with class DocumentBody:

<div class="DocumentBody"><div class="stdoc">...</div><div class="stdoc">...</div><div class="stdoc">...</div><div class="grseq">...</div><div class="grseq"><p class="tigrseq">...</p><div class="mlioccur">...</div><div class="mlioccur"><span class="nomark">...</span><span class="timark">Denomination:</span><div class="txtmark"><p class="p"> </p><p>Information about denomination</p><p></p></div></div></div>

At first I tried hardcoding the xpath to the text, but the problem is that the html from the documents might change, they are not always the same.

This is an example of what I made to get the denomination:

from lxml import etreeclass LTED:def __init__(self, url, soup):if(not soup)soup = get_soup_from_url(url, "html.parser")dom = etree.HTML(str(soup))# case document it's updated and not a new oneself.corrigenda = bool(soup.body.findAll(text="Corrigenda"))self.denomination = self.get_denomination(dom)def get_denomination(self, dom):if self.corrigenda:item = dom.xpath("//div[@class='DocumentBody']/div[7]/div[2]/div/p[2]")[0].textelse:item = dom.xpath("//div[@class='DocumentBody']/div[6]/div[2]/div/p[2]")[0].textreturn item

As the xpath is hardcoded, this works the majority of the time, but in some cases it gets another text because the html has changed.

How should I retrieve the text in this case? Is there any way to get Information about denomination searching by Denomination?

In case you want to check the webpage, here's a link to an example I'm trying to scrape


Link do not contain such Denomination but you can adapt and proceed like:

for e in'span:-soup-contains("Title:") + div'):print(e.get_text(strip=True))

In newer code avoid old syntax findAll() instead use find_all() or select() with css selectors - For more take a minute to check docs


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoupsoup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get('',headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}).text)for e in'div.txtmark:-soup-contains("Official name:")'):print(':')[-1].strip())for e in'span:-soup-contains("Title:") + div'):print(e.get_text(strip=True))


KfW Bankengruppe
Vergabekammer Bund
Management of the PtX-Fund by the Power-to-X D&G GmbH (in formation)

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