First project alarm clock

2024/10/5 20:38:18
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from time import strftime 
import winsoundclock = Tk()clock.title("WhatAClock")clock.geometry("300x400")notebook = ttk.Notebook()tab1_timedate = Frame(notebook)tab2_alarm = Frame(notebook)tab3_timer = Frame(notebook)notebook.add(tab1_timedate, text="Time and Date")notebook.add(tab2_alarm, text="Alarm")notebook.add(tab3_timer, text="Timer")notebook.pack(expand=TRUE, fill="both")def realtime():time_str = strftime("%H:%M:%S")l1_time_timedate.config(text= time_str)l1_time_alarm.config(text= time_str)clock.after(1000, realtime)def alarm(alarm_set):while True:time_str_alarm = strftime("%H:%M:%S")if time_str_alarm == alarm_set :winsound.playsound("sound.wav",winsound.SND_ASYNC)breakdef set_alarm():alarm_set  = f"{user_h.get()}:{user_m.get()}:{user_s.get()}"alarm(alarm_set)l1_time_timedate =  Label(tab1_timedate)l1_time_alarm = Label(tab2_alarm), y=30), y=30)user_h = StringVar()user_m = StringVar()user_s = StringVar()entry_h = Entry(tab2_alarm, textvariable= user_h)entry_m = Entry(tab2_alarm, textvariable= user_m)entry_s = Entry(tab2_alarm, textvariable= user_s), y=30), y=30), y=30)button_alarm = Button(tab2_alarm, command= set_alarm, text= "SET ALARM"), y=70)realtime()clock.mainloop()

"Total noob again, can t figure out why the button doesn t do what it s supposed to, any clue?


There are few issues:

  • the hour, minute and second of alarm_set are not zero padded. So if hour is 1 and minute is 2 and second is 3, then alarm_set will be "1:2:3". However time_str_alarm is something like "01:02:03", therefore the checking will not be what you want.

  • don't use while loop inside alarm() as it will block tkinter mainloop() from processing pending events. Use after() like in realtime()

  • winsound.playsound(...) should be winsound.PlaySound(...) instead

Below is the modified code:

def alarm(alarm_set):time_str_alarm = strftime("%H:%M:%S")if time_str_alarm == alarm_set:# time reached, play soundwinsound.PlaySound("sound.wav",winsound.SND_ASYNC)else:# time not reached, keep checkingclock.after(1000, alarm, alarm_set)def set_alarm():# zero padded hour, minute and secondalarm_set = f"{user_h.get():02}:{user_m.get():02}:{user_s.get():02}"alarm(alarm_set)

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