Normalise JSON with Python

2024/9/20 7:48:41

Prompt me, please, how to normalize this JSON file using Python?

This question is related to the previous

The current JSON contains:

{"total_stats": [{"domain": "","uptime": "100"},{"domain": "","threats": "345.01111783804436"}]


{"total_stats": [{"domain": "","uptime": "100","threats": "345.01111783804436"}]

If you want to merge the dictionaries according the "domain" key you can use (note: if dictionaries have common keys, the last dictionary value will be used):

dct = {"total_stats": [{"domain": "", "uptime": "100"},{"domain": "", "threats": "345.01111783804436"},]
}out = {}
for d in dct["total_stats"]:out.setdefault(d["domain"], {}).update(d)dct["total_stats"] = list(out.values())


{"total_stats": [{"domain": "","uptime": "100","threats": "345.01111783804436",}]

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