Python 2.7: import performance

2024/7/7 6:50:02

currently, I am importing bunch of .py files scattered across the file system via:

def do_import(name):import impfp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(name)with fp:return imp.load_module(name, fp, pathname, description)known_py_files = ['workingDir/', 'anotherDir/'] # and so forth
for py_file in known_py_files:do_import(py_file)

when I've timed the .py files as such below, they are in the magnitude of e-5 and e-6.

import timeimport_stime = time.time()
import_dur = time.time() - import_stime
print import_dur

However, the call to do_import() is in the magnitude of e-3. I am guessing because of the overhead of importing it.

This is a problematic for me because im importing lots of files serially and the time to import adds up.

Is there a faster way to import than the approach mentioned above?


If all of the files are under one directory, you can create an empty file in each level of the nested directory, and import the name of the root directory, like import root in the following example:

/ root- workingDir- anotherDir-

That structure is called "package".

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