How do I sort a text file by three columns with a specific order to those columns in Python?

2024/7/8 8:41:43

How do I sort a text file by three columns with a specific order to those columns in Python?

My text_file is in the following format with whitespaces between columns:

Team_Name Team_Mascot Team_Color Team_Hometown Number_of_Wins Team_Coach


Bears LittleBear Blue Beartown 15 BigBear

I want to sort it by Team_Color first, Team_Hometown second, and Number_of_Wins third in ascending order.

Therefore the attributes:

Bears Blue Beartown 15 Coach1
Bears Red  Dogtown 30 Coach6
Bears Blue Cattown 15 Coach2
Bears Red  Beartown 15 Coach4
Bears Blue Cattown 17 Coach3
Bears Red  Dogtown 9 Coach5

My expected output is a sorted text file:

Bears Blue Beartown 15 Coach1
Bears Blue Cattown 15 Coach2
Bears Blue Cattown 17 Coach3
Bears Red  Beartown 15 Coach4
Bears Red  Dogtown 9 Coach5
Bears Red  Dogtown 30 Coach6

I have thought about using lambda but none of my values are a tuple

I have looked at previous StackOverflow questions but most of them dealt with sorting two columns at maximum using lambda, tuple, or other methods


Your question is still ambiguous. Your example doesn't have the first field Team_Name introduced in your header. So the index here is probably off by one, but I think you get the concept:

#read lines of text file and split into words
lines = [line.split() for line in open("test.txt", "r")]
#sort lines for different columns, numbers converted into integers to prevent lexicographical sorting
lines.sort(key = lambda x: (x[1], x[2], int(x[3])))
#writing the sorted list into another file
with open("new_test.txt", "w") as f:for item in lines:f.write(" ".join(item) + "\n")

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