A presence/activity set command?

2024/7/4 15:33:36

So, I was wondering if there could be a command I could write that allows me to set the bots presence and activity (ex. ~~set presence idle or ~~set activity watching "people typing ~~help") or something like that.

Unrelated question: How do I set commands to be used by me only?

I haven't found any example code for this, and i'm a beginner.


You can use the is_owner check to ensure that you are the only person who can invoke a command.

To change the presence or status of the bot, use the change_presence method:

from discord.ext.commands import Bot, is_owner
from discord import Status, Activity, ActivityTypebot = Bot("~~")def getEnum(enum):def getter(arg):return enum[arg]return getter@bot.group(invoke_without_command=True)
async def set(ctx):await ctx.send("You must provide a subcommand.")@set.command()
async def presence(ctx, status: getEnum(Status)):await bot.change_presence(status=status)@set.command(invoke_without_command=True)
async def activity(ctx, type: getEnum(ActivityType), *, description):await bot.change_presence(activity=Activity(type=type, name=description))@set.error
async def set_error(ctx, error):if isinstance(error, BadArgument):await ctx.send(error.message)await ctx.send(error.args)bot.run("token")

The above will fail silently if you try to provide an unrecognized name to Status or ActivityType, you could also try writing an error handler to provide some feedback.


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