Changing the words keeping its meaning intact [closed]

2024/10/6 10:00:32

We have a requirement in which we need to change change the words or phrases in the sentence while keeping its meaning intact. This application is going to provide suggestions to users who are involved in copy-writing.

I don't know where should I start... we have not yet finalized the technology but would like to do it in a Python or in .Net.


Just for laughs:

import urllib2
import urllib
import sys
import jsondef translate(text,lang1,lang2):base_url=''    langpair='%s|%s'%(lang1,lang2)params=urllib.urlencode( (('v',1.0),('q',text.encode('utf-8')),('langpair',langpair),) )url=base_url+paramscontent=urllib2.urlopen(url).read()try:trans_dict=json.loads(content)except AttributeError:try:trans_dict=json.load(content)    except trans_dict['responseData']['translatedText']languages='de da nl zh-tw ko es pt el'.split()
text=(' '.join(sys.argv[1:])).decode('utf-8')for lang in languages:result=translate(text,'en',lang)result=translate(result,lang,'en')print(result)print

Running "Hi, We have a requirement in which we need to change the words or phrases in the sentence while keeping its meaning intact."


Hi, we have a commitment in which wehave to change the words or phrases ina sentence while preserving itsmeaning.

Hello, We have a requirement where weneed to change words or phrases in thesentence while keeping its meaningintact.

Hi, We have a requirement we need thewords or phrases within the meaningwhile changing its meaning intact.

Hey, we have a requirement, we need tochange the word or phrase in thesentence meaning, while maintainingits integrity.

Hi, we maintain that we need to changethe word or phrase in the sentencerequirements have meant thatliterally.

Hello, We have a requirement that wemust change the words or phrases inthe sentence, keeping intact itsmeaning.

Hi, we have an obligation that we needto change words or phrases in thesentence, keeping intact its meaning.

Hello, We have a requirement where weneed to change the words or phrases inthe sentence, while keeping intact theconcept.

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