Python code to Download Specific JSON key value data through REST API calls

2024/9/21 5:39:36

I am trying to write a code in python which download only specific key value in the Calls.

So the solution might be

  1. Downloading the Raw data and later removing the unwanted through regex or 2)Applying specific process in API calls itself which downloads and appends only "Value".

Note - Code for access_token not included.

My Basic code from postman was

url = ""payload={}
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,'Cookie': 'ASP.NET_SessionId=hsylq0qqp; Cookie_2=value'
}response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload).json()print(response, file=open(r"C:\Users\path\Desktop\Python script\output.json", 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore'))while response['@odata.nextLink']:url = response['@odata.nextLink']response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload).json()#response.extend(response)print(response, file=open(r"C:\Users\path\Desktop\Python script\output.json", 'a', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore'))break

Raw json output data

*{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#vw_rpt_review_response_comment", "value": [ { "pr_comment_id": 1, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 2, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 3, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" } ],
"@odata.nextLink": "$metadata#vw_rpt_review_response_comment?$skip=1000"
} { "@odata.context": "$metadata#vw_rpt_review_response_comment", "value": [ { "pr_comment_id": 4, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 5, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 6, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" } ],
"@odata.nextLink": "$metadata#vw_rpt_review_response_comment?$skip=2000"

Beautify json


*{ "value": [ { "pr_comment_id": 1, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 2, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 3, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" } , { "pr_comment_id": 4, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 5, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 6, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" } ]

Beautify json


As your individual response come through, you can create a list of the values using extend (vs append). Then create your final dictionary.

Here's a mockup of one way to implement -collect all the response, then iterate over the list. Otherwise you can parse each response as they come in.

response1 = { "@odata.context": "$metadata#vw_rpt_review_response_comment", "value": [ { "pr_comment_id": 1, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 2, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 3, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" } ],
"@odata.nextLink": "$metadata#vw_rpt_review_response_comment?$skip=1000"
} response2 = { "@odata.context": "$metadata#vw_rpt_review_response_comment", "value": [ { "pr_comment_id": 4, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 5, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" }, { "pr_comment_id": 6, "pr_comment": "Test Comment" } ],
"@odata.nextLink": "$metadata#vw_rpt_review_response_comment?$skip=2000"
}value_list = []
for resp in [response1, response2]:# print(resp['value'])value_list.extend(resp['value'])my_dict = {'value': value_list}


{'value': [{'pr_comment_id': 1, 'pr_comment': 'Test Comment'},{'pr_comment_id': 2, 'pr_comment': 'Test Comment'},{'pr_comment_id': 3, 'pr_comment': 'Test Comment'},{'pr_comment_id': 4, 'pr_comment': 'Test Comment'},{'pr_comment_id': 5, 'pr_comment': 'Test Comment'},{'pr_comment_id': 6, 'pr_comment': 'Test Comment'}]}

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