I am trying to get my bot to have the status, m!help
. I see that a lot of other bots have their help command in their status so I wanted to do that too.
await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name="m!help"))
The above code is what I'm using, but it doesn't work. My code uses client.command if that helps.
try @client.event
and you can use this to have a kinda animated status
from discord.ext import tasks@client.event
async def on_ready():client.statuses = cycle(['Hello','✨Bye'])change_status.start()print("Gangz Iz Herez")@tasks.loop(seconds=5)
async def change_status():await client.wait_until_ready()await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name=next(client.statuses)))