SQLALchemy and Python - Getting the SQL result

2024/7/7 6:06:31

I am using cloudkitty which is rating module in OpenStacks.

But here question is regarding the SQLAlchemy and Python.

I am new to SQLAlchemy.

I need to fetch some details from a table using a API call.

So I am creating a API call which is as follows:

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: token"

Which returned the data as follows:

"[<cloudkitty.storage.sqlalchemy.models.InvoiceDetails object at 0x7ff8b1dfe2d0>]"

Code which is returning the above result is as follows:

def get_invoice(self, tenant_id=None, invoice_id=None):

model = models.InvoiceDetailssession = db.get_session()
q = session.query(model)if tenant_id:q = q.filter(model.tenant_id == tenant_id)
if invoice_id:q = q.filter(model.invoice_id == invoice_id)print q
r = q.all()return r

Need to find the way for Fetching the value instead of object.

Any help is appreciated.

Need to return it as values instead of object.


When I was trying to print the Query and executing the same in back-end it returns results correctly.(print q)


r = q.all() returns raw SQLAlchemy results (iterable of instances). Python and SQLAlchemy do not have information how to serialize this for HTTP presentation. It simply calls Python string representation __str__ function which gives the default Python debug output.

What you most likely want to have is JSON presentation, as a common web de facto standard and platform neutral format, of SQLAlchemy data. It is extensively covered in this question.


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