Error while running test case

2024/7/7 6:32:14

I need to test my code below. I am using one test to see if it is working or not. but dont know what exactly I should pass as a parameter in the test code. Please see the test code at the end and please guide me what value I should pass here? Because whatever I write here, it throws me an error.

from brisa.core.reactors import install_default_reactor
reactor = install_default_reactor()import os
import unittestfrom brisa.upnp.device import Device, Service
from brisa.upnp.device.service import StateVariableclass SwitchPower(Service):def __init__(self):Service.__init__(self,'SwitchPower','urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:SwitchPower:1','',os.getcwd() + '/SwitchPower-scpd.xml') = Falseself.status = Falsedef SetTarget(self, *args, **kwargs) = kwargs['NewTargetValue']self.status = self.targetself.set_state_variable('Status', 'Light switched ', {'1': 'on', '0': 'off'}.get(, None)return {}def GetTarget(self, *args, **kwargs):return {'RetTargetValue':}def soap_GetStatus(self, *args, **kwargs):return {'ResultStatus': self.status}class BinaryLight(object):def __init__(self):self.server_name = 'Binary Light device'self.device = Nonedef _create_device(self):project_page = ''self.device = Device('urn:schemas=upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1',self.server_name,manufacturer = 'Ankit',model_name = 'Binary Light Device',model_description = 'Test Device',model_number = '1.0',model_url=project_page)def _add_service(self):switch = SwitchPower()self.device.add_service(switch)def start(self):self._create_device()self._add_services()self.device.start()reactor.add_after_stop_func(self.device.stop)reactor.main()# Here's our "unit tests".class IsOddTests(unittest.TestCase):def testOne(self):self.failUnless(_create_device('urn:schemas=upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1'))if __name__ == '__main__':unittest.main()      if __name__ == '__main__':device = BinaryLight()device.start()   Ran 1 test in 0.000s

The Error is:-

ERROR: testOne (__main__.IsOddTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 67, in testOneself.failUnless(_create_device('urn:schemas=upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1'))
NameError: global name '_create_device' is not defined----------------------------------------------------------------------

In your testOne() method, you're calling _create_device(), which isn't a global function it's a method on SwitchPower objects.

You probably want to create a new SwitchPower object.

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