Python Unique DF in loop [closed]

2024/7/5 11:18:44

I am currently writing web scraping code to scrape the PGA Tour website. I have provided a sample of a loop I am using. I would like to create a unique dataframe for every iteration through j. In the end I will have several hundred dataframes. I would like the dataframes to be listed as df1, df2, df3,...

I would then like to export all of the dataframes as a csv.


for j in range(0, 500):for k in range(1,9):try:print(j)df1 = url_base_1 + str(j) + url_base_2df2 = make_dataframe(df1.format(year), int(k))print(k)except:pass

If you need to upload into csv files separately during that iteration then below code follows, If this is what your looking or else please review your question

for j in range(0, 500):for k in range(1,9):try:file_name = 'Result_'+str(i)+'_'+str(j)+'.csv'df1 = url_base_1 + str(j) + url_base_2df2 = make_dataframe(df1.format(year), int(k))print(k)df2.to_csv(file_name,encoding='utf-8', index=False)except:pass

The output files will be in this format Result_0_1.csv, Result_0_2.csv and so on.

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