delete rows by date and add file name column for multiple csv

2024/7/7 6:19:49

I have multiple "," delimited csv files with recorded water pipe pressure sensor data, already sorted by date older-newer. For all original files, the first column always contains dates formated as YYYYMMDD. I have looked at similar discussion threads but couldn't find what I need.

  1. Python script to add a new column to every csv file in the directory, where each row of the new column titled as "Pipe" would have a file name, omitting file extension string.

  2. Have the option of specifying a cut off date as YYYYMMDD in order to delete rows in the orginal input file. For example, if some file has dates 20140101 to 20140630, I would like cut out rows of data if their date is < 20140401.

  3. Have the option of either to overwrite the original files after having made these modifications or save each file to a different directory, with file names same as the originals.

Input: PipeRed.csv; Headers: Date,Pressure1,Pressure2,Temperature1,Temperature2 etc,

Output: PipeRed.csv; Headers: Pipe,Date,Pressure1,Pressure2,Temperature1, Temperature2,etc,

I have found some code and modified it a little, but it doesn't delete rows like was described above and adds the file name column last rather than 1st.

import csv
import sys
import glob
import refor filename in glob.glob(sys.argv[1]):
#def process_file(filename):# Read the contents of the file into a list of lines.f = open(filename, 'r')contents = f.readlines()f.close()# Use a CSV reader to parse the contents.reader = csv.reader(contents)# Open the output and create a CSV writer for it.f = open(filename, 'wb')writer = csv.writer(f)# Process the header.writer = csv.writer(f)writer.writerow( ('Date','Pressure1','Pressure2','Pressure3','Pressure4','Pipe') )header ='.csv',""))writer.writerow(header)# Process each row of the body.for row in reader:row.append(filename.replace('.csv',""))writer.writerow(row)# Close the file and we're done.f.close()

This function should be very close to what you want. I've tested it in both Python 2.7.9 and 3.4.2. The initial version I posted had some problems because — as I mention then — it was untested. I'm not sure if you're using Python 2 or 3, but this worked properly in either one.

Another change from the previous version is that the optional keyword date argument's name had been changed from cutoff_date to start_date to better reflect what it is. A cutoff date usually means the last date on which it is possible to do something—the opposite of the way you used it in your question. Also note that any date provided should a string, i.e. start_date='20140401', not as an integer.

One enhancement is that it will now create the output directory if one is specified but doesn't already exist.

import csv
import os
import sysdef open_csv(filename, mode='r'):""" Open a csv file in proper mode depending on Python verion. """return (open(filename, mode=mode+'b') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 elseopen(filename, mode=mode, newline=''))def process_file(filename, start_date=None, new_dir=None):# Read the entire contents of the file into memory skipping rows before# any start_date given (assuming row[0] is a date column).with open_csv(filename, 'r') as f:reader = csv.reader(f)header = next(reader)  # Save first row.contents = [row for row in reader if start_date and row[0] >= start_dateor not start_date]# Create different output file path if new_dir was specified.basename = os.path.basename(filename)  # Remove dir name from filename.output_filename = os.path.join(new_dir, basename) if new_dir else filenameif new_dir and not os.path.isdir(new_dir):  # Create directory if necessary.os.makedirs(new_dir)# Open the output file and create a CSV writer for it.with open_csv(output_filename, 'w') as f:writer = csv.writer(f)# Add name of new column to header.header = ['Pipe'] + header  # Prepend new column name.writer.writerow(header)# Data for new column is the base filename without extension.new_column = [os.path.splitext( os.path.split(basename)[1] )[0]]# Process each row of the body by prepending data for new column to it.writer.writerows((new_column+row for row in contents))

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