How can I filter the domains served by a CDN from a list of domain names?

2024/7/8 7:33:22

I have a list of domains and I need to filter the domains served by a CDN(Content Delivery Network). I am going to use python script to do that. At the first I was thinking I can identify them from the domain name. But not all of the domain names have cdn keyword.

Is there any reason or any feature in the CDN served domains which I use that for identifying CDN served domains?


First of all, you can't do it with 100% accuracy.

But you can identify domains using popular cloud providers in many cases by tracking CNAME records which would lead the respective provider's servers. I.e. here's a doc on Amazon CloudFront

In CloudFront, an alternate domain name, also known as a CNAME, letsyou use your own domain name (for example, for linksto your objects instead of using the domain name that CloudFrontassigns to your distribution


dig -t CNAME  896     IN      CNAME

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