parsing interactive broker fundamental data

2024/7/7 14:24:12

I've successfully pulled data from IB using the api. It comes in XML format and it looks like this...

 <TotalRevenues currency="USD"><TotalRevenue asofDate="2017-12-31" reportType="TTM" period="12M">239176000000.000000</TotalRevenue><TotalRevenue asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="TTM" period="12M">229234000000.000000</TotalRevenue><TotalRevenue asofDate="2017-06-30" reportType="TTM" period="12M">223507000000.000000</TotalRevenue>
</TotalRevenues><DividendPerShares currency="USD"><DividendPerShare asofDate="2017-12-31" reportType="A" period="3M">0.630000</DividendPerShare><DividendPerShare asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="A" period="3M">0.630000</DividendPerShare><DividendPerShare asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="A" period="12M">2.400000</DividendPerShare></DividendPerShares><Dividends currency="USD"><Dividend type="CD" exDate="2018-02-09" recordDate="2018-02-12" payDate="2018-02-15" declarationDate="2018-02-01">0.630000</Dividend><Dividend type="CD" exDate="2017-11-10" recordDate="2017-11-13" payDate="2017-11-16" declarationDate="2017-11-03">0.630000</Dividend><Dividend type="CD" exDate="2017-08-10" recordDate="2017-08-14" payDate="2017-08-17" declarationDate="2017-07-02">0.630000</Dividend></Dividends><EPSs currency="USD"><EPS asofDate="2017-12-31" reportType="A" period="3M">3.920000</EPS><EPS asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="A" period="3M">2.090000</EPS><EPS asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="A" period="12M">9.270000</EPS></EPSs>

I want to convert this information to CSV format in this format:

            total revenue report type     period rev dividendpershare period div
2017-12-31  239176000000     ttm           12m        0.630000          3m
2017-09-30   229234000000    ttm           12m        0.630000          3m

is there an easy way to do this?


You can try this:

import csv
import xmltodictXML = """
<FinancialSummary><TotalRevenues currency="USD"><TotalRevenue asofDate="2017-12-31" reportType="TTM" period="12M">239176000000.000000</TotalRevenue><TotalRevenue asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="TTM" period="12M">229234000000.000000</TotalRevenue><TotalRevenue asofDate="2017-06-30" reportType="TTM" period="12M">223507000000.000000</TotalRevenue></TotalRevenues><DividendPerShares currency="USD"><DividendPerShare asofDate="2017-12-31" reportType="A" period="3M">0.630000</DividendPerShare><DividendPerShare asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="A" period="3M">0.630000</DividendPerShare><DividendPerShare asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="A" period="12M">2.400000</DividendPerShare></DividendPerShares><Dividends currency="USD"><Dividend type="CD" exDate="2018-02-09" recordDate="2018-02-12" payDate="2018-02-15" declarationDate="2018-02-01">0.630000</Dividend><Dividend type="CD" exDate="2017-11-10" recordDate="2017-11-13" payDate="2017-11-16" declarationDate="2017-11-03">0.630000</Dividend><Dividend type="CD" exDate="2017-08-10" recordDate="2017-08-14" payDate="2017-08-17" declarationDate="2017-07-02">0.630000</Dividend></Dividends><EPSs currency="USD"><EPS asofDate="2017-12-31" reportType="A" period="3M">3.920000</EPS><EPS asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="A" period="3M">2.090000</EPS><EPS asofDate="2017-09-30" reportType="A" period="12M">9.270000</EPS></EPSs>
"""def write_to_csv(rows):header = 'date, total revenue, report type, period rev, dividendpershare, period div'.split(', ')with open('sample.csv', 'w', newline='') as fo:writer = csv.writer(fo)writer.writerow(header)writer.writerows(rows)def main():d = xmltodict.parse(XML)root = d['FinancialSummary']total_revenue_list = root['TotalRevenues']['TotalRevenue']dividend_per_share_list = root['DividendPerShares']['DividendPerShare']rows = []for total_rev, dps in zip(total_revenue_list, dividend_per_share_list):row = [total_rev['@asofDate'],total_rev['#text'],total_rev['@reportType'],total_rev['@period'],dps['#text'],dps['@period']]rows.append(row)write_to_csv(rows)if __name__ == '__main__':main()

Which will produce a sample.csv like this:

date,total revenue,report type,period rev,dividendpershare,period div

This sample program is written in Python3, and used a third-party library named xmltodict, you can install it by pip install xmltodict.

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