AWS | Syntax error in module: invalid syntax

2024/7/7 5:57:17

I have created python script which is uploaded as a zip file in AWS Lambda function with stompy libraries bundled in them.

Logs for python 2.7:-

nullRequest ID:
"c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41"Function Logs:
START RequestId: c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41 Version: $LATEST
CONNECTION established
[WARNING]   2018-11-22T11:07:12.798Z    c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41    Unknown response frame type: '' (frame length was 3)
END RequestId: c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41
REPORT RequestId: c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41  Duration: 10027.75 ms   Billed Duration: 10100 ms   Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 30 MB

My Code:-

import time
import boto3
import stompkinesis_client = boto3.client('kinesis')class Listener(stomp.ConnectionListener):msg_list = []def on_error(self, headers, message):print('received an error "%s"' % message)def on_message(self, headers, message):print('received a message "%s"' % message)kinesis_client.put_record(StreamName='Purchasing',Data=u'{}\r\n'.format(message).encode('utf-8'),PartitionKey='0')def lambda_handler(event, context):conn = stomp.Connection(host_and_ports=[('', 8162)])lst = Listener()conn.set_listener('Listener', Listener())conn.start()conn.connect(login='test_mq', passcode='test_mq')conn.subscribe(destination='/queue/Purchasing', id='b-4714-4441-8166-47aae158281a', ack='auto')message = lst.msg_listprint('Waiting for messages "%s"' % message)time.sleep(10)conn.disconnect()return ''

I am not sure why my message is not showing up in my output,instead it always shows up "Response: null".


EDIT: As pointed by @Petesh, the issue comes from stompy(external library), which hasn't been ported to Python3.

If you check the source code, you can find this:

except socket.timeout, exc:

which is invalid syntax for python3+

If you run your Lambdas in python3.6/3.7 environment, the syntax is invalid.

The issue might go away if you choose python 2.7, but you will also have to adjust your code, libraries, etc.

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