How can I increment array with loop?

2024/7/7 6:30:48

I've got two lists:

listOne = ['33.325556', '59.8149016457', '51.1289412359']
listTwo = ['2.5929778', '1.57945488999', '8.57262235411']

I use len to tell me how many items are in my list:

itemsInListOne = int(len(listOne))
itemsInListTwo = int(len(listTwo))

Then, this is where I get stuck. I want to loop through the list using a while loop and increment the array with each loop. Here is what I tried:

iterations = 0while iterations < itemsInListOne:listOne = listOne[0] + 1print iterations

The while loop is clearly wrong, but you can see what i'm trying to do. I want to end up with:


Thanks in advance.

EDIT: To better explain this.

I've got a list and I want to loop through the list and automatically create an array which increments with each iteration, for example:

+ 1 

Hope this makes more sense.


You mean to do:

while iterations < itemsInListOne:listOne[iterations] = float(listOne[iterations]) + 1

Note that you needed to convert it to a float before adding to it.

Also note that this could be done more easily with a list comprehension:

listOne = [float(x) + 1 for x in listOne]

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