Python class that works as list of lists

2024/7/7 6:31:31

I'm trying to create a python class that can work as a list of lists. However, all I've managed to develop so far is,

class MyNestedList(list):

I'm aware that the above code will work as,

my = MyNestedList()
my[0] = 1

But I want my class to work as,

my[0][0] = 1

Will anyone please guide me further?

EDIT: I want the class to pass as a type for the deap framework, as my individual. I can't pass list of lists as my type as it would break my structure.


Here is an example. You have to initialize the nested list with enough elements, or you'll get index errors.

class NestedLst(object):def __init__(self, x, y) = [[None]*y]*xdef __getitem__(self, i):return[i]nlst = NestedLst(2, 2)
nlst[0][0] = 10
print nlst[0][0]

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