I made a battleships game and I now need to make sure that the computer doesn't attack at the same spot twice.
My idea of it is storing each shot's co-ordinates in a variable which gets added to whenever there is a new shot and then I just have to check and make it check if the current shot is in the variable.
This is the code I have for shooting:
if playerNumber == "1":eg.msgbox("Player " + str(playerNumber) + " your shot.")hit=FalseshotX=eg.enterbox("Enter the x-coordinate for your shot (1-5): ")shotY=eg.enterbox("Enter the y-coordinate for your shot (1-5): ")else:eg.msgbox("The computer will now attack!")hit=FalseshotX=str(random.randint(1,5))shotY=str(random.randint(1,5))eg.msgbox ("The computer shot at " + str(shotX) + ", " + str(shotY) + "")
My idea of making sure the computer chooses something that isn't in the list is using a loop where it keeps choosing a shot until the one it chooses hasn't been chosen already.
The actual code that makes the computer fire his shot is:
hit = haveShot("2", p1ship1, p1ship2 , player2Board)if hit:p2 = p2 + 1eg.msgbox("The Computer has " + str(p2) + " points and Player 1 has " + str(p1) + " points")if p2 == 2: eg.msgbox("Unlucky, The computer won. Press enter to continue")if platform.system() == "Windows": # ONLY PLAY SOUNDS IF ON WINDOWS OSfinish()break