Selenium python do test every 10 seconds

2024/10/5 15:02:02

I am using selenium (python) testing and I need to test my application automatically every 10 seconds.

How can I do this?


You could use threading.Timer:

import threading
import loggingdef print_timer(count):if count:t = threading.Timer(10.0, print_timer,args=[count-1])t.start()"Begin print_timer".format(c=count))time.sleep(15)"End print_timer".format(c=count))def using_timer():t = threading.Timer(0.0, print_timer,args=[3])t.start()if __name__=='__main__':logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,format='%(threadName)s: %(asctime)s: %(message)s',datefmt='%H:%M:%S')    using_timer()


Thread-1: 06:46:18: Begin print_timer  --| 10 seconds
Thread-2: 06:46:28: Begin print_timer  --
Thread-1: 06:46:33: End print_timer      | 10 seconds
Thread-3: 06:46:38: Begin print_timer  --
Thread-2: 06:46:43: End print_timer      | 10 seconds
Thread-4: 06:46:48: Begin print_timer  --
Thread-3: 06:46:53: End print_timer
Thread-4: 06:47:03: End print_timer

Note that this will spawn a new thread ever 10 seconds. Be sure to provide some way for the thread-spawning to cease before the number of threads becomes intolerable.

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