How can I group and sum a pandas dataframe? [duplicate]

2024/7/5 11:19:22

I've had a good hunt for some time and can't find a solution so asking here.

I have data like so:

Plan         | Quantity_y
Starter      | 1
Intermediate | 1
Intermediate | 1
Intermediate | 2
Intermediate | 1
Intermediate | 14
Intermediate | 1
Advanced     | 1
Advanced     | 1
Advanced     | 2
Advanced     | 1
Incredible   | 1
Incredible   | 1
Incredible   | 1
Incredible   | 1
Incredible   | 1
Incredible   | 2
Incredible   | 2

and I'd like it to group AND count the individual numbers like so:

Plan         | Quantity_y
Starter      | 1
Intermediate | 20
Advanced     | 5
Incredible   | 9

I've tried so many options but am having no luck at all.

I've tried doing an iterrows() as well as trying to assign a value by counting and returning the count via a .apply() function call. I'm just not getting how I can group AND count the sum of the numbers in that group.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you

df.groupby('Plan', sort=False).sum()

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