Plotting polynomial with given coefficients

2024/7/8 8:53:50

I'm trying to plot a polynomial with coefficients given in array:

  • input: [an,a(n-1),...,a0]
  • output: plot of polynomial anx^n + a(n-1)x^(n-1) + ... + a0

I would like to use matplotlib polt() function so I can use it in my julia project. Any help would be appreciated :)


If you are using Julia's Polynomials package then something like this pattern will work:

p = Poly(reverse(ais)) # Poly wants [a0, a1, ..., an] xs = linspace(a, b, 100) # fill in a, b plot(xs, p.(xs))

If you are using Plots, the last two lines could be plot(x->p(x), a, b).

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