How to move zeros to the end of a list [closed]

2024/7/8 0:57:27

I have to create a code(function) that moves elements in a list without using temporary list and the function has to return nothing, I've tried the following but It won't work please help

def move_zeros_v2(lst):left = []right = []left_a = left.appendright_a = right.appendfor x in lst:if x:left_a(x)else:right_a(x)left.extend(right)i = 0while i < len(left):lst[i] = left[i]i = i + 1x = [1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 5, 7]
print(x, z)

Here is one way to do it:

def move_zeros(lst):n = len(lst)lst[:] = filter(None, lst)lst.extend([0] * (n - len(lst)))

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