How to convert CSV file to a specific JSON format with nested objects?

2024/7/5 11:46:06

I want to populate my json message with data from a CSV file. I want each row to be a "new" json object. I am using Python and will connect the the code to an API once done. Some of the data needs tp be categorized under "personalinfo" and "carinfo" and I need the correct data to be populated under the right category as under the "Expected json message output" below.

This is what I have so far:

import csv
import jsoncsvfile = open('test.csv', 'r')
jsonfile = open('file.json', 'w')fieldnames = ("firstname","r", "lastname","r", "age","r", "gender","r","model","r", "price","r", "loan","r")
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, fieldnames)
out = json.dumps( [ row for >row in reader ] )

I do not know how to add the two "personalinfo" and "carinfo" categories.

Example csv table:

 FirstName  LastName    Age gender  Car model Price loanAnna    Andersson   28  F       Audi    A8 40    FALSE

Expected json message output:

{"personalinfo": {"firstname": "Anna","lastname": "Andersson","age": "28","gender": "F","carinfo": [{"car": "Audi","model": "A8"}],"price": 40,"loan": "FALSE"}

Next record should be a new json object.


You need to convert each row of data in the csv file into a JSON object laid-out the way you described. This can be accomplished by calling a single function which takes the row dictionaries from the csv file using a csv.DictReader and does just that:

import csv
import jsondef make_record(row):return {"personalinfo": {"firstname": row["FirstName"],"lastname": row["LastName"],"age": row["Age"],"gender": row["gender"],"carinfo": [{"car": row["Car"],"model": row["model"]}],"price": int(row["Price"]),"loan": row["loan"]}}with open('csv_test.csv', 'r', newline='') as csvfile, \open('json_file.json', 'w') as jsonfile:reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='\t')out = json.dumps([make_record(row) for row in reader], indent=4)jsonfile.write(out)# Show results.
with open('json_file.json', 'r') as jsonfile:print('results:')print(json.dumps(json.load(jsonfile), indent=4))

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