Populate mysql table with random data in python

2024/7/7 6:21:30

How can create a mysql table in python and then populate it with random data.I want around 10000 rows and integer values will do work.


Your question is not very clear (want to generate a table in python AND fill it with random data?).

Well, if you want to do it by hand, generate the random number using random. Check it out! Do a mini-logic with a cycle to fill your rows (if you don't know how, search in this forum or ask.).

Also, check here (I haven't used it!): psyert

Mini-note: your questions have been systematically downrated. Please, check the FAQ of StackOverflow and see how to do a proper elegant question. If English is not your native language, don't worry, but at least use the punctuation and get help from an online translator.


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