Python Error TypeError: cannot concatenate str and float objects [duplicate]

2024/7/5 12:02:45

I am new with Python programming. I keep getting the below error on the 'str'. When I added the + str, it didnt work.

wkt = "POINT("+ geoPoint["lat"] +" " + geoPoint["lon"] + ")"

TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects

Any advice on how I can fix this error?


The simplest solution would look like this:

wkt = "POINT("+ str(geoPoint["lat"]) +" " + str(geoPoint["lon"]) + ")"

The following would be more in line with accepted Python stylistic standards:

wkt = "POINT(%f %f)" % (geoPoint["lat"], geoPoint["lon"])

This uses the simplest form of string formatting

You could do something nicer still:

wkt = "POINT({lat} {lon}".format(**geoPoint)

See the linked page for more ideas on this.

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