Compressing request body with python-requests?

2024/10/16 2:30:28

(This question is not about transparent decompression of gzip-encoded responses from a web server; I know that requests handles that automatically.)


I'm trying to POST a file to a RESTful web service. Obviously, requests makes this pretty easy to do:

files = dict(data=(fn, file))
response =, files=files)

In this case, my file is in a really highly-compressible format (yep, XML) so I'd like to make sure that the request body is compressed.

The server claims to accept gzip encoding (Accept-Encoding: gzip in response headers), so I should be able to gzip the whole body request body, right?

Attempted solution

Here's my attempt to make this work: I first construct the request and prepare it, then I go into the PreparedRequest object, yank out the body, run it through gzip, and put it back. (Oh, and don't forget to update the Content-Length and Content-Encoding headers.)

files = dict(data=(fn, file))
request = request.Request('POST',endpoint_url, files=files)prepped = session.prepare_request(request)
with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) as gzfile:gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=gzfile, mode="wb").write(prepped.body)prepped.headers['Content-Length'] = gzfile.tell()prepped.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip',0)prepped.body = = session.send(prepped)

Unfortunately, the server is not cooperating and returns 500 Internal Server Error. Perhaps it doesn't really accept gzip-encoded requests?

Or perhaps there is a mistake in my approach? It seems rather convoluted. Is there an easier way to do request body compression with python-requests?

EDIT: Fixed (3) and (5) from @sigmavirus24's answer (these were basically just artifacts I'd overlooked in simplifying the code to post it here).


Or perhaps there is a mistake in my approach?

I'm unsure how you arrived at your approach, frankly, but there's certainly a simpler way of doing this.

First, a few things:

  1. The files parameter constructs a multipart/form-data body. So you're compressing something that the server potentially has no clue about.
  2. Content-Encoding and Transfer-Encoding are two very different things. You want Transfer-Encoding here.
  3. You don't need to set a suffix on your NamedTemporaryFile.
  4. Since you didn't explicitly mention that you're trying to compress a multipart/form-data request, I'm going to assume that you don't actually want to do that.
  5. Your call to session.Request (which I assume should be, requests.Request) is missing a method, i.e., it should be: requests.Request('POST', endpoint_url, ...)

With those out of the way, here's how I would do this:

# Assuming `file` is a file-like obj
with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) as gzfile:gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=gzfile, mode="wb").write( = {'Content-Length': str(gzfile.tell()),'Transfer-Encoding': 'gzip'}, 0)response =, data=gzfile, headers=headers)

Assuming that file has the xml content in it and all you meant was to compress it, this should work for you. You probably want to set a Content-Type header though, for example, you'd just do

 headers = {'Content-Length': gzfile.tell(),'Content-Type': 'application/xml',  # or 'text/xml''Transfer-Encoding': 'gzip'}

The Transfer-Encoding tells the server that the request is being compressed only in transit and it should uncompress it. The Content-Type tells the server how to handle the content once the Transfer-Encoding has been handled.

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