Saving zip list to csv in Python

2024/10/15 15:20:35

How I can write below zip list to csv file in python?

[{'date': '2015/01/01 00:00', 'v': 96.5},{'date': '2015/01/01 00:01', 'v': 97.0},{'date': '2015/01/01 00:02', 'v': 93.75},{'date': '2015/01/01 00:03', 'v': 96.0},{'date': '2015/01/01 00:04', 'v': 94.5}

I have this error:

_csv.Error: sequence expected

My code is here:

import csv
res = zip_list
csvfile = "/home/stm/PycharmProjects/isbak_trafik/example.csv"with open(csvfile, "w") as output:writer = csv.writer(output, lineterminator='\n')writer.writerows(res)

You can switch to using Python's DictWriter for this. You can pass a list of column headers, this ensures that the order of the columns in the output is what you require. Only columns in this list are written to the your output file:

import csvzip_list = [{'date': '2015/01/01 00:00', 'v': 96.5},{'date': '2015/01/01 00:01', 'v': 97.0},{'date': '2015/01/01 00:02', 'v': 93.75},{'date': '2015/01/01 00:03', 'v': 96.0},{'date': '2015/01/01 00:04', 'v': 94.5}]csvfile = "/home/stm/PycharmProjects/isbak_trafik/example.csv"with open(csvfile, "wb") as output:writer = csv.DictWriter(output, fieldnames=['date', 'v'])writer.writeheader()writer.writerows(zip_list)

This would produce the following output:

2015/01/01 00:00,96.5
2015/01/01 00:01,97.0
2015/01/01 00:02,93.75
2015/01/01 00:03,96.0
2015/01/01 00:04,94.5

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