Converting all files (.jpg to .png) from a directory in Python

2024/10/14 13:25:47

I'm trying to convert all files from a directory from .jpg to .png. The name should remain the same, just the format would change.

I've been doing some researches and came to this:

from PIL import Image
import osdirectory = r'D:\PATH'for filename in os.listdir(directory):if filename.endswith(".jpg"):im ='img11.png')print(os.path.join(directory, filename))continueelse:continue

I was expecting the loop to go through all my .jpg files and convert them to .png files. So far I was doing only with 1 name: 'img11.png', I haven't succed to build something able to write the adequate names.

The print(os.path.join(directory, filename)) works, it prints all my files but concerning the converting part, it only works for 1 file.

Do you guys have any idea for helping me going through the process?


You can convert the opened image as RGB and then you can save it in any format. You can try the following code :

from PIL import Image
import osdirectory = r'D:\PATH'
for filename in os.listdir(directory):if filename.endswith(".jpg"):im ='img'+str(c)+'.png'rgb_im = im.convert('RGB'), filename))continueelse:continue

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